King Charles celebrates 2 birthdays like Queen Elizabeth: Here's where the tradition comes from

King Charles: Why does the Monarch have two birthdays?
© Chris Jackson / Getty images
King Charles: Why does the Monarch have two birthdays?
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Trooping the Colour is on June 17, and is a birthday parade for King Charles. But the Monarch’s birthday is in November, so why do we celebrate it in June?

Trooping the Colour is a military parade in honour of the monarch’s birthday. When the late Queen Elizabeth was alive, it would usually fall on the second Saturday of June, as per the Royal Family website.

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This year will mark the first Trooping the Colour in honour of King Charles, who has brought back an age-old tradition. What might confuse some people, is why is the country celebrating the King’s birthday in June, when he was born in November.

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Surprisingly, the answer is verysimple and in a way, very British. However, the day Prince William becomes King, he may not need a second birthday!

Why did the Queen and King Charles have 2 birthdays?

The simple answer to this question is the British weather. Queen Elizabeth was born in April so it was decided to celebrate her birthday in June as there was more chance to have good weather for the parade.

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Since King Charles is born in November, which quite frankly in the UK, can be a very gloomy period, he too, will also celebrate his birthday in June. This year, Trooping the Colour falls on the third Saturday of the month, is this an indication that the King is doing it slightly differently than his mother? We will have to wait and see what happens for next year’s parade to find out.

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Prince Wiliam will likely not have a second birthday

Prince William, who has changed his uniform for the upcoming parade, may not need to have a second birthday like his father and late grandmother since he is born in June, the typical month for Trooping the Colour.

Since he is born in June, he won’t need to move the date to enjoy the better weather. The one question that would remain, would be whether or not he would hold the parade closer to his birthday (June 21) or keep it towards the beginning of the month.

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Sources used:

Express: ‘Prince William to ditch royal tradition going back centuries’

Royal Family website: 'The Queen's birthday'

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