Queen Camilla: The little-known title Her Majesty will receive when King Charles dies

Queen Camilla: The little-known title Her Majesty will receive when King Charles dies
© Chris Jackson / Getty images
Queen Camilla: The little-known title Her Majesty will receive when King Charles dies
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Camilla has had a few titles since marrying King Charles. If she outlives him, she will receive a new one when Prince William is crowned.

Camilla had a number of titles before becoming Queen Consort, or more commonly used, Queen. Before Queen Elizabeth’s passing in September 2022, Camilla was known as the Duchess of Cornwall. When Charles ascended the throne, the title was passed down to Prince William and Princess Kate.

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Camilla did technically become the Princess of Wales in 2005 when she married Charles but chose not to use the title as it had such a big connection to Diana.

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Now that Camilla is Queen, she would receive another title if she outlives her husband, King Charles. The title Queen Camilla would be given hasn’t been used in a while and isn’t the most commonly used for the spouse of a King. The title Queen Camilla would be given was first used in 1837.

Queen Camilla would become Queen Dowager

If Queen Camilla lives longer than King Charles, her title would no longer be just Queen, instead, she would become Queen Dowager. The title Queen Dowager was first used by Queen Adelaide in 1837, who was married to King William IV, as reported by The Independent.

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Naturally, Queen Camilla would not become Monarch as it is only passed down through bloodline, so Princess Kate would become the next Queen Consort or simply Queen Katherine.

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However, Queen Camilla’s situation is different compared to other Queen Consorts in history.

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Queen Camilla’s situation is different

As many know, Queen Camilla is King Charles’ second wife. As a result, she isn’t Prince William and Prince Harry’s mother, just their stepmother.

Usually, when a Queen Consort outlives her King, she would be known as the Queen Mother. This was the case for Queen Elizabeth II’s mother, also known as Queen Elizabeth. She was known as Queen Mother starting from King George VI’s death in 1952 until her death in 2002.

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Since Camilla wouldn't be the new Monarch's mother, she cannot be known as Queen Mother.

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Before Queen Elizabeth II announced that Camilla would become Queen Consort upon her death, it was believed that Camilla would be known as Princess Consort when Charles became King.

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This was to the fact that she was extremely unpopular when she married then-Prince Charles.

Sources used:

Mirror: ‘Queen Camilla's little-known title under William as King if she outlives Charles’

The Independent: ‘Queen Camilla’s lesser-known royal title if she outlives King Charles’

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