'My secret to a long life has been staying away from men' - Longevity tales from a 109-year-old woman

living to 100
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living to 100
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Growing old might be scary but it could be worth doing. These people have lived for more than a century and their longevity tips will surprise you!

Living to the tender age of 100 is something not everyone can achieve. It’s also very rare as death is not something that we can humanly control. Having the intention to live to 100 is not enough to make it.

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However, one fact remains, living to a 100 is something kind of fascinating. So how do people do it? Well, Daily Mail has gathered tips from centenarians and they are as enlightening as they are surprising.

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Dietary habits that could help you make it to 100

Many of the tips coming from people who made to and past 100 are about what they ate. Something that has come up reading their testimonies is that indulgence might be the key.

A couple of the people that the Daily Mail focuses on confess to eating chocolate every day. For instance, Jeanne Calment, who is reportedly the only person to have ever lived up to 120. Apparently, Jeanne didn’t believe in restrictions and her everyday life included smoking, drinking red wine and eating chocolate.

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Kane Tanaka, who lived up to 119 also said that she indulged in chocolate. But she also liked fizzy drinks. A woman from Brooklyn, Susannah Mushatt Jones, defied all odds. When at the moment, it feels like humans are going to war against processed food, the woman lived to 116 eating scrambled eggs and bacon every morning.

More than one centenarian has also confessed to drinking hard liquor regularly. That is the case for the oldest living man, Juan Vicente Pérez, who is 114. According to him, drinking aguardiente (a Venezuelan liquor) with his morning coffee is the way to longevity.

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It feels important to specify that science has led studies that directly contradict these people’s advice.

Peace of mind and brain exercises

Not nearly as controversial as their diet tips, centenarians are also full of wisdom. Many people who have lived into old age have highlighted the importance of peace in life.

Maria Branyas Morera, an American woman, told Guiness World Record that her longevity was due to:

order, tranquillity, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity and staying away from toxic people
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It is hard to argue with her considering that, as we write this, the woman is still alive at 116.

Jessie Gallan, who lived up to 109, would probably agree with the American. But she would also be a bit more specific about where her peace comes from.

My secret to a long life has been staying away from men. They're just more trouble than they're worth.
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I also made sure that I got plenty of exercise, eat a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning and have never gotten married.

Other things that have been quite enlightening from these people who have surpassed all odds include the importance of sleep, exercise, brain stimulation (puzzles, games, etc) and rest.

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We will leave you with the words of Juan Vicente Pérez:

work hard, rest on holidays, go to bed early, drink a glass of aguardiente every day

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Daily Mail: From chocolate and bacon to staying away from MEN! The secrets of living until you're 100, according to centenarians

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