Prince William and Kate are reportedly overthrowing royal traditions in move seen as ‘revolutionary’

Prince William and Kate are reportedly overthrowing royal traditions in move seen as ‘revolutionary’
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Prince William and Kate are reportedly overthrowing royal traditions in move seen as ‘revolutionary’
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The Prince and Princess of Wales are doing things differently from their predecessors as they are looking to hire a CEO who would run their household of 60 staff members.

King Charles is on a mission to modernise the monarchy and Prince William and Kate Middleton seem to do their bit in the role. The future King and Queen are putting a stop to the age-old tradition in the Royal households which gives private secretaries the ultimate power to run the behind-the-scenes of the palace.

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Showing that they mean all business when it comes to monarchy, the couple has decided to hire a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who will be responsible for running the 60 staff members and their operation at Kensington Palace.

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Prince William and Kate Middleton to hire a CEO for their home

According to MailOnline, the new role created by the couple - the CEO, will directly report to them. Meaning, private secretaries will soon lose their long-held power and matters will directly be handled by the Prince and Princess.

A source revealed:

This is a revolutionary move. They are overthrowing the traditional, hierarchical structure in which staff answer to private secretaries.
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It is understood that Kensington Palace has hired a high-powered recruitment firm, Odgers Berndtson to find them the best candidate for the role.

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Their advert emphasises the unprecedented nature of the position and reads:

The CEO is the most senior and accountable leader for the Household, reporting directly to TRHs The Prince and Princess of Wales.
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They will be responsible for the development and implementation of TRH's long-term strategy and continuing to strengthen a professional and collaborative Household culture.

The ideal candidate is understood to be an emotionally intelligent individual with a low ego and strong self-awareness.

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Everything you need to know about the new CEO

The potential CEO is expected to ‘operate as a servant leader and empower the senior team.’ They will also be directly dealing with King Charles and Queen Camilla's household - ‘serving as the strategic interface to Buckingham Palace, to align The Royal Highnesses' priorities with those in support of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen.’

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The CEO's salary has not yet been disclosed but is expected to be more than private secretaries at the Royal households. Prince William’s move can also align with his mother - Princess Diana’s suspicion of the courtiers or ‘men in grey’ as she called them.

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Source Used

Daily Mail: EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: William and Kate show they mean business by hiring a CEO to run their household of 60 staff

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