Sexual health: New study reveals the average penis size in each country

The UK does not rank well in penis size
© Sex Education / Eleven
The UK does not rank well in penis size
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To find out the average penis size in different countries, researchers have combined data from several studies. Here's where the UK stands in this curious ranking.

Reportedly, many men are concerned about the size of their penis, and are often inclined to compare themselves to the other men in their lives. The question of size is sometimes a source of self-consciousness for men, and sometimes a source of pride. No matter where you stand, it is a topic with endless potential.

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In an attempt to settle the debate once and for all, scientists have done what they do best: collecting data on the subject. The data was then scrutinized, compared, analyzed, and scientists were then able to come up with a list. Can you guess where the UK ranks in the list?

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The 1st country is in South America

The first country on the list is Ecuador, in South America, with an average erect length of 17.61cm. The information can be found on, a site dedicated to producing the weirdest rankings possible. You can find out which are the biggest airports in the world, which country has the most homicides, or even which country has got the most rats in the world, and it's not London!

The World Data team itself admitted that penis size is the subject that has been asked for the most.

No other topic on this website has been asked for more often than the average size of male genitalia.
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To compile this list, World Data states that it exploited data from about forty studies, avoiding, if possible, those where men self-reported the size of their penis... Because, apparently, men are sometimes inclined to lie when they talk about the size of their penis.

Read more:Sexual health: There are two types of penises and one has this special ability

The UK does not rank well in the penis-game

So, what about the UK? If you're reading these lines, it's probably to know where your country stands in this international tournament. You'll be surprised to learn that the UK is not doing that well: we're ranked 68th, with an average of 13.13 cm.

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Our Italian neighbours are ranked 19th, while our transatlantic neighbours in the USA are ranked 60th.

It is important to remember that size does not really matter, so don't beat yourself up!

Read more:These are the most common sex issues for penis owners

This article has been adapted from Gentside FR.

Sources used: Average penis size by country: worldwide comparison

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