Sexual health: There are two types of penises and one has this special ability

'Blood penis': the effect on penis size
© Charles Deluvio / Unsplash
'Blood penis': the effect on penis size
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For some men, the size of the penis can vary greatly between when the organ is at rest and when it is erect. Others remain approximately the same in all states.

The size of their penis is something that many men struggle with, especially because of male genitalia representation in the porn industry. This leads to many men being insecure about the size of their own. However, penises come in very different sizes depending on the individual and they can even change sizes from time to time. Does this sound confusing? We'll explain everything.

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When we talk about the size of penises, most of the time we are talking about their length during an erection, and not when it is at rest, or 'flaccid'. However, it can be interesting to compare sizes on the same penis between an erect state and a flaccid state, because the results can be surprising.

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In fact, for some people, the difference in size before and during an erection can be very significant: during sexual stimulation, the penis becomes engorged with blood and doubles or even triples in size.

This effect is called a 'blood penis' in French. There is nothing supernatural about it, don't worry, it is simply a natural reaction to blood rushing to the penis.

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Representation in porn leads to insecurity Charles Deluvio / Unsplash

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Blood penis v. Flesh penis

At this point, we feel we should explain the difference between the 'blood penis' and the 'flesh penis', which are also called 'growers' or 'showers'. As the name implies, 'growers' become much bigger during an erection, whereas 'showers' remain pretty much the same size before or during sexual stimulation. In other words, the difference between its size at rest and its size when erect is less important for 'showers'.

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Now, no matter the length and shape of your genitalia, when it comes to sex, the possibilities are endless. It is important to note that sex, whether heterosexual or not, is not limited to vaginal penetration. Use your imagination!

This has been adapted from an article on Gentside FR.

Sources used:

MensHealth: The 'Grower vs. Shower' Penis Theory Is Surprisingly Legit

Healthline: What Does It Mean to Be a ‘Grower’ or a ‘Shower’?

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