Russian official warns Vladimir Putin could be removed as President by inner circle

Russian official warns Vladimir Putin could be removed as President by inner circle
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Russian official warns Vladimir Putin could be removed as President by inner circle
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Vladimir Putin could soon be removed by his inner circle who are desperate to end his disastrous war in Ukraine, a Russian insider with extensive knowledge of the conflict claims. Some statements the source made a fascinating.

There have been earlier reports that the members of Russian elite feel extreme fatigue from the war in Ukraine, especially since many of them have lost their multimillion assets in the West as a result.

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Insiders have also recently revealed that the devastating conflict takes its toll on Kremlin employees, leading to excessive drinking within all the ranks.

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Dmitry Medvedev allegedly often writes his eloquent Philippics to the 'failed' Western democracies after indulging in a dangerous habit.

While experts agree that Yevgeny Prigozhin’s attempted rebellion weakened Vladimir Putin’s image as the leader who holds absolute power, another paramilitary group vowed to rid Russia of his 'archaic' rule at any cost.

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As if things weren’t bad enough for the Russian President, new information emerged that he may be facing a revolt from those in his inner circle.

Here is what military blogger Igor Girkin said about the changing balance of power in the Kremlin and who could potentially replace its master.

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Putin may be backstabbed by those from his inner circle

Russian nationalist military blogger Igor Girkin revealed that Vladimir Putin’s inner circles could soon turn against him and swap him for a more suitable candidate.

Girkin, also known as Strelkov, has extensive insider knowledge of the devastating conflict in which he played a key role in 2014. Although he supports the Russian invasion of its neighbour, he disagrees with the way its top brass lead the war.

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Girkin turned to Telegram this week to say that Yevgeny Prigozhin's mutiny in fact was not as fruitless as people may think as it succeeded by redistributing power among the Russian elite and weakening the positions of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Moscow regional governor Andrei Vorobyov, and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

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Girkin alleged that a group plotting against Vladimir Putin are his inner circle. They are based outside St-Petersburg and are known as the ‘Ozero Cooperative’ / 'Lake Cooperative'.

They might be hatching a plan to oust the President in favour of one of its own members, such as Prigozhin himself or Putin's First Deputy Chief of Staff, Sergey Kiriyenko.

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If the first one has very little experience in politics and is unlikely to be accepted by the elites, the latter is a mid-weight politician who could fit the bill perfectly, experts believe.

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Girkin thinks that ‘Ozero’ want to push Vladimir Putin towards accepting defeat in Ukraine and might sabotage Russia's military operations and its defence industrial base.

But the Institute for the Study of War believe that Girkin's words pursue an agenda and aim to portray Wagner's Yevgeny Prigozhin as a threat to Putin's regime.

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He wants to encourage harsher Kremlin action against the warlord and cut loose any efforts to freeze the front in Ukraine, the think tank suggests.

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Sources used:

- Newsweek: 'Putin May Be Facing Plot From Inner Circle, Warns Igor Girkin'

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