Russia unveils new type of nuclear weapon that could destroy cities with radioactive tsunamis

Russia unveils new type of nuclear weapon that could destroy cities with radioactive tsunamis
© Sasha Mordovets / Contributeur
Russia unveils new type of nuclear weapon that could destroy cities with radioactive tsunamis
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Russia will be soon equipping one of its strategic submarines with new nuclear-capable super torpedoes which are able to destroy a coastal city.

In 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin announcedthe development of multiple new strategic weapons, one of which is the nuclear-capable super torpedo which will be soon ready for deployment, Reuters reports.

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Autonomous strategic weapon

A torpedo is a thin bomb launched by a submarine or ship that travels underwater. Russia's new nuclear-capable torpedo is the latest technology. The Poseidon, also known as Kanyon by NATO, is 24-metres long.

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The nuclear-capable torpedo is part of Putin’s push to develop a range of new super weapons which no other country possesses.

The super torpedo is autonomous as it has its own power source based on nuclear energy.Thus, it will be able to travel anywhere in the world and unleash unseen destruction through its nuclear loads.

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Russian state media TASS has released a statement which claims the first-class Russian nuclear submarine ‘K-329 Belgorodhas completed tests with the models of the Poseidon torpedo, Reuters reports.

According to the same report, the Belgorod sub will soon receive the first set of nuclear-capable super torpedoes for deployment.

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Unseen destruction by launching mega-tsunami

In 2018, Putin claimed that the Poseidon, if launched, will be undetectable and indestructible from the enemy:

They are very low noise, have high manoeuvrability and are practically indestructible for the enemy. There is no weapon that can counter them in the world today.
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The United States said in its Nuclear Posture Review last year that:

Russia is pursuing several novel nuclear-capable systems designed to hold the U.S. homeland or Allies and partners at risk.

The US Naval Institute reported that the Poseidon or Kanyon torpedo will have a great impact given its virtual unlimited power source and the fact that it is not covered by any weapons treaty:

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Perhaps most frightening, this nuclear weapon has the potential for autonomous operation. A fully operational Kanyon would have an incredible strategic impact. As a new delivery platform, it is not covered by current nuclear arms treaties.

According to reports,Russia’s new nuclear-capable torpedo can destroy a coastal city as it is able to unleash a mega-tsunami with waves as high as a skyscraper. In 2020, the then-US Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Non-Proliferation, Christopher Ford, warned that the weapons were being developed to 'inundate US coastal cities with radioactive tsunamis'.

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Should we be worried?

However, analysts point out that's important to remember that the Kremlin has a history of exaggerating the capability of its new weapons, as reported by Telegraph.

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Justin Crump, from intelligence and geopolitical risk company Sibylline, said:

While the Poseidon is certainly a new form of weapon, it is principally a deterrent in nature, designed to avoid missile defence mechanisms.
Kremlin-sponsored rhetoric about the weapon has often been overblown, particularly the claims aimed at the UK.
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Sources used:

-Reuters: ‘Russia produces first set of Poseidon super torpedoes - TASS’

-Telegraph: ''Unstoppable' nuclear torpedo built by Russia to devastate cities with radioactive tsunamis'

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