Nutella might disappear soon due to new Indonesian laws

Nutella might disappear soon due to new Indonesian laws
© Bloomberg
Nutella might disappear soon due to new Indonesian laws
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New laws put into place by the Indonesian Government might majorly affect the production of Nutella all over the world, especially Europe.

If your favourite chocolate spread is Nutella, you might wanna stock up. The hazelnut chocolate spread is a staple in households all over the world and is used in a wide variety of recipes. However, this might change soon as the Indonesian government recently made a crucial decision regarding the palm oil (a major component in Nutella) produced in the country.

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A ban on palm oil

On April 27 2022, the Indonesian government voted to impose a ban on its oilseed exports, palm oil being one of them. Le Figaro reported that Joko Widodo, the president of Indonesia, made the decision to limit the international exports and focus more on the internal consumers after assessing the inflation affecting Indonesia.

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Nutella might disappear soon due to new Indonesian laws Bloomberg

47% of palm oil imported into Europe comes from Indonesia. Ferrero, the manufacturer of Nutella acquires 20% of its palm oil from Indonesia and 80% from Malaysia. Moreover, the company's massive stocks make it possible to stabilise the current situation and limit the damage of such decisions by Indonesia. So you don't need to worry for the moment because it looks like there is no immediate risk of not finding this product on your shelves.

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A decision not directly linked to the war in Ukraine

This decision, however, is not entirely due to the war in Ukraine, but because of the tensions generated by the rise in prices in these countries. And therefore, has relatively little impact on the production of Nutella.

Unlike the sunflower oil, a product that is on the verge of disappearing from the French supermarkets soon, because Ukraine is the largest producer and exporter of this product.

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This article is translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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