Donald Trump gloats about being the 'healthiest President' as he hints at plan to run in 2024

Trump wants to run for president again because of his health
© Bill Tompkins GETTY_IMAGES
Trump wants to run for president again because of his health
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Donald Trump says he wants to run again for US president in 2024. The ex-president of the USA said his extraordinary health is the reason.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference, which took place from 4 to 7 August in Texas, former US President Donald Trump was one of the speakers who participated, as RTL News reported.

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Donald Trump is 'the healthiest president who ever lived'.

He declared in his speech that he is ready to run for President again in 2024. Not only that, he also talked about how Ronny Jackson, his former White House doctor who is now a congressman, claimed that he is the healthiest President 'who ever lived'. Trump said in his speech:

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He was a great doctor. He was an admiral, a doctor and now he's a congressman. He loved to look at my body. He was so strong and powerful. But he said I was the healthiest president who ever lived. I said, 'I like this guy.'
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Will the official announcement of his candidacy follow soon?

When asked by Fox News when Donald Trump plans to officially announce his candidacy to Republicans, he explained:

It's certainly not a very long period of time, the time is coming. I think people will be very happy, our country has never been in such a position, we have lost everything.
They gave away $85 billion worth of equipment, dead soldiers, you still have Americans over there probably as hostages, eventually will be hostages, there has never been a time like this.
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He finally added:

We'll be making an announcement in the not too distant future

This article was translated from Oh!MyMag DE.

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