China: Experts warn West should be worried about its expanding reach in South America

China: Experts warn West should be worried about its increasing presence in Latin America
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China: Experts warn West should be worried about its increasing presence in Latin America
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China's presence in Latin America is increasing, and experts warn the West should take note.

China's alleged plans to 'take Russian territory' and become the 'owner' of Russia has fuelled concerns in the West, and now the country's reach into Latin America is only exacerbating the situation.

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At the end of March 2023, Honduras severed its longstanding ties with Taiwan and formally recognised Beijing as the capital of one China. Indeed, the number of countries that recognise Taiwan is dwindling, except for Guatemala, the 'last important country that still recognises' it.

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Beijing's numerous satellite ground stations located across South America have sparked concerns in various governments over its intentions, as per a report by Hidden Reach.

The report said the 'proximity to the United States has heightened fears that they can be used to spy on US assets and intercept sensitive information'.

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China's relationship with Latin America

Professor Enrique Dussel Peters, the coordinator of the China/Mexico Studies Center at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, said the world is experiencing 'a qualitative movement in formalising the increasing presence of China in the region'.

He continued:

It makes a lot of sense. You cannot close your eyes and say China does not exist. All these countries, with or without diplomatic ties, are increasingly exchanging with China.
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Peters added:

It simply reflects ‘do I want to have a small share of 150 million Chinese tourists in Honduras?’ This will generate a tremendous impact.

Currently, China is the second-largest trade partner following the US in Latin America, which has previously been described as the US’s 'backyard'.

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Why should the West be worried of China's presence?

As reported by Hidden Reach, the concerns are a result of the far-reaching influence of China's People’s Liberation Army (PLA) within its space ecosystem. According to the report, this has direct consequences for the security of the US.

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In April 2022, US Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the PLA has modernised 'with a focus on offsetting US military advantages', including 'rapidly advancing and integrating its space, counter-space, cyber, electronic, and information-warfare capabilities'.

As the PLA expands further beyond China’s shores, it will require strong space capabilities to help with intelligence gathering, situational awareness, and more. Hidden Reach believes the ground stations in Latin America will likely assist the Chinese military in further advancing its operational capabilities.

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Does the Chinese military have a presence in Latin America?

In February 2023, Florida Republican Rep. María Elvira Salazar accused Argentina of joining other Latin American countries like Venezuela and Bolivia of allowing China to gain a military foothold in Latin America. She told lawmakers:

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[Chinese President] Xi Jinping has been to Latin America more times than President Obama, Trump and Biden combined in the last 10 years. The Chinese are not here for trade. They're here for war.

Salazar then explicitly referred to Argentina's space station:

I am sure the Chinese are very interested in studying the stars and every constellation. But the problem is that Argentina has no idea what's going on there because the Chinese don't let them in.
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The Argentine ambassador to the US, Jorge Argüello, responded to these comments on Thursday 30 March, saying:

Some of the remarks that you made at that meeting are not only clearly inaccurate but are also offensive.
First of all, I would like to emphasize that there is no infrastructure or military presence of an extra-regional power in Argentina, with the exception of the one that corresponds to the illegal occupation of the Malvinas Islands by the United Kingdom.
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Salazar also accused Argentina of considering building a Chinese jet fighter factory, which Argüello described as 'absurd'.

Sources used:

Express: 'Xi Jinping's 'increasing presence' in Latin America stirring fear among Western powers'

Hidden Reach: 'Eyes on the Skies: China's Growing Space Footprint in South America'

The Hill: 'Argentine ambassador bemoans House Republican’s ‘offensive, insulting’ comments on Chinese involvement'

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