Here are 5 products that should absolutely be eaten organic

Here are 5 products that should absolutely be eaten organic
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Here are 5 products that should absolutely be eaten organic
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Here are five products that you should definitely eat organic. Read on to find out which ones, and why!

Eating organic requires a certain budget. Indeed, even if more and more people prefer to do their shopping at organic stores, where the prices of products are starting to gradually decrease, some products still remain expensive. However, choosing organic can be worth it when it comes to certain products, especially for nutritional reasons. Here are some of them!

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Buying organic on a budget

There are several ways to buy organic products at a lower price.

Some platforms sell organic products at reduced prices in exchange for a subscription. This is the case with Kazidomi.

You can also opt for seasonal products which are often at the same price as those in conventional supermarkets.

You can also subscribe to have organic baskets delivered, which offer seasonal vegetables and fruit every week for around £8.

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Products that should be eaten organic

In her book I Quit Sugar, Sarah Wilson provides recipes and tips on how to eat healthier every day. She also focuses on those products that should be eaten organic in order to stay healthy. Here are a few of them.


When you eat eggs, it is better to opt for organic production. Indeed, free-range farming is no longer a sufficient guarantee of quality since poultry, even if they are kept outdoors, can be fed with a diet full of GMOs, chemicals and feed supplements. With the organic label, you can be sure that you are eating eggs of better quality and with as few chemicals as possible, which are therefore better for your health.

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Vegetables that cannot be peeled

The skin of vegetables absorbs pesticides and chemicals, allowing them to penetrate into the structure of the product itself. Although it's not a big deal to eat non-organic vegetables when the skin is removed, for vegetables that cannot be peeled, that's another story. Think of spinach, and leafy vegetables such as cabbage or vegetables with very thin skins such as tomatoes or peppers.

Stone fruits

The stone is the very first form of the fruit. It is therefore at the forefront when chemicals are used, as is the skin of some fruit, which is too thin to be peeled. When it comes to apples, grapes, apricots, pears... Go for organic. For fruits with a thick skin and no stone like bananas or melons, you can do without the organic label.

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Almonds are a healthy and protein-rich snack, but it is important to buy them in an organic store. This is because almond trees are sprayed with chemicals and pesticides. Because almonds are very rich in fat, they retain these unwanted products well.


If there is one type of fruit that should be organic, it's berries. They are the most heavily contaminated. There is also a noticeable difference between fresh and frozen berries. The latter contains half as many pesticides as the former. This is because berries that are to be frozen are less treated since they do not have to be kept as fresh as possible. Now you know what to do!

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