Here Are 15 Ways To Cook Sweet Potatoes

Here Are 15 Ways To Cook Sweet Potatoes
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Here Are 15 Ways To Cook Sweet Potatoes
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Do you love sweet potatoes? So do we! Find out how to cook them to make it a success.

Sweet potatoes are popular because of their delicious sweet taste and melt-in-the-mouth texture. It's an easy to cook tuber that comes in different varieties and colours: white, orange, purple... it's a lot of fun! However, it should be noted that orange-coloured sweet potatoes are tastier and more nutritious than the others. It's a good thing they're the most common.

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Sweet potatoes should be stored in a cool, dry place. You can cook them in water, as well as eat them steamed, baked or pan-fried. Here are our gourmet ideas to make with sweet potatoes.

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Cooking sweet potatoes in savoury recipes...

The sweet potato is delicious when baked in the oven: cut in half and garnished with vegetables, it's a real delight. Just put it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200°. Hollow out the middle and add the toppings you want: avocado, cream, bacon, beans, raw vegetables...

They are also easy to make roasted in the oven, as marinated vegetables or as chips that can go with spices, or be eaten plain or in a salad.

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Finally, sweet potato mash is a must: whether as hummus, in shepherd's pie or as soup, their smooth and comforting texture will delight you!

... but also in desserts!

The sweet potato is sweet and can be cooked both as a dish and a dessert. Just like a carrot cake or a banana bread, you can use its cooked flesh to make brownies or pies! Don't hesitate to add chocolate, your guests will be amazed. It's also a great way to replace butter in mixtures, thus making a healthier dessert.

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