3 tips on how to beat the Monday morning blues

3 tips to be ultra motivated on Monday morning
3 tips to be ultra motivated on Monday morning
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The weekend is the perfect time to have fun, however, Monday morning can often put a damper on your mood. These tips can help you beat the Monday blues.

If many of us look forward to the arrival of the weekend, Monday is often regarded as ‘returning to reality’. However, it symbolises a renewal, a step after which everything can (re)start. It can be hard to snap back to a daily routine after relaxing during the weekend. Here are some tips that can help you conquer your Monday blues.

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Motivate yourself with a good breakfast

A good stay starts with a good breakfast. Be sure to have a nutritious breakfast with lots of proteins, fibres and other nutrients in it. A light breakfast is perfectly appropriate at the start of the day as it doesn’t weigh you down and gives you energy.

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A good stay starts with a good breakfast. Arx0nt GETTY_IMAGES

As per WebMD, breakfast with oatmeal, fruit and nut butter provides the perfect amount of nutrition required by our body to keep it energised until the next meal.

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Choose a look that makes you feel good

Monday is the day of new starts and a fresh week. Step into a new week with an outfit that makes you feel good.

Choose a look that makes you feel good Prasit photo GETTY_IMAGES

Rose Turner, a fashion psychologist at the London College of Fashion, shared with BBC:

Clothing impacts how people think and behave. Putting on a ‘work’ outfit might help with motivation and concentration, and wearing something special might help to break the monotony of lockdown, and lift people’s mood
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Go to work hassle-free

Why always run to get to work? It is hard to wake up on Monday morning after relaxing the whole weekend. However, you should wake up at an appropriate time, so you don’t have to rush. Rushing early in the morning might cause stress and anxiety due to the fear of being late.

Go to work hassle-free Flashpop GETTY_IMAGES
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Hence, as the phrase goes ‘prevention is better than cure’, it is better to wake up early, dress up, eat a nice breakfast and then go to work. You can even put on music while getting ready, it certainly helps blow away the Monday morning blues!

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