Bible prophecies about the end of the world are coming true, here's what it means

3 Bible prophecies signaling the 'end of the world' have come true
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3 Bible prophecies signaling the 'end of the world' have come true
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The Sacred Book tells the tale of how the world was created but it has also predicted how it will end. Now some of its prophecies are coming true…

Signs of the end of the world are coming from all over the place. People who claim to be Nostradamus are constantly predicting the times. However, while we might now be used to those predictions, a new one has been made that has us a little worried.

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The Bible is filled with stories about how the world was created and about how humans came to be but it also appears that the book has predicted when the end of the world will come.

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Now in 2023, it appears that 3 of its prophecies have been fulfilled…

A red heifer is born

On 4 September 2023, Mirror reported that a red heifer was born in Israel. It appears to be the first in 2000 years. The birth of this red heifer is significant because, in both Christianity and Judaism, the red heifer is ‘featured in tales about “the end of times”’.

However, for this red heifer to be the one from the biblical prophecy, it needs to not have any ‘blemishes’ and this is why it has undergone close examination. It was confirmed by Rabbi Chain Richman of the Temple Institute that the heifer born is a ‘viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer.’

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Read more: What’s to come in 2023 per Nostradamus’ prediction: War, economy and more

The Dead Sea is no longer dead

Another prophecy coming true is the apparition of fish in the Dead Sea. Indeed, the Dead Sea gets its name due to its high level of salt which prevents fish and plants to live and grow in it.

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Once again, the sighting of fish in the Dead Sea is reported by Mirror. On 8 September 2023, the publication writes:

marine life has reportedly been spotted in the sea's sinkholes

Mirror talks of scientists being ‘shocked’ to see fish in the Dead Sea. Mirror mentions Israeli photojournalist Noam Bedein’s statement in which he said that the Dead Sea is ‘anything but dead.

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However, these sighting from Bedein date back to 2018 when the photojournalist took pictures of ‘tiny fish’ in the Dead Sea.’ This is significant because, in the Old Testament, a story about the ‘Dead Sea flourishing’ is a sign of the end of times.

Read more: Self-proclaimed Nostradamus who 'predicted' Covid-19 has now 'foreseen' another disastrous event

A snake emerged out of the Western Wall

The final biblical prophecy that has been fulfilled is about a snake coming out of the Western Wall where many worshippers gather. This incident happened several years ago and, at the time, people said that it indicated that we were living in ‘dangerous times’.

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The apparition of the snake has also been linked to the serpent that appears in the story of Adam and Eve.

What do you think? Are these incidents put together signs that the end of the World is near?


Mirror: First red heifer in 2000 years fulfils Bible prophecy and signals 'end of days'

Mirror: Three signs Biblical prophecies about end of the world and the Messiah are 'coming true'

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