Modern Nostradamus predicts that World War III will happen sooner than we think

According to this modern Nostradamus we could see World War III happen very soon
© Jeff Kingma / UNSPLASH
According to this modern Nostradamus we could see World War III happen very soon
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Craig Hamilton-Parker sees himself as a 'modern Nostradamus' and is now shocking the world with his prediction of World War III

For several years now, Craig Hamilton-Parker has been causing a stir every now and then. The self-appointed clairvoyant has shocked people several times with terrible prophecies. Now he is predicting a third World War.

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Third world war will break out in 2023

According to Hamilton-Parker who recently spoke to the Daily Star, an 'accidental conflict' will be the reason for the break out of the Third World War. The clairvoyant also gives a date for this prediction: 2023!

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If we were to trust his vision, the cause of the war would have nothing to do with the conflict currently happening in Ukraine. Indeed, Hamilton-Parker refers to a 'much worse' conflict in Taiwan. He also predicts that this conflict 'will occupy us for the next two years.'

The trigger

Hamilton-Parker continues and explains that a 'collision' could be the trigger of the war. The current situation between China and Taiwan is already tense. Indeed, the two countries are arguing over the recognition of Taiwan as a seperate state from China.

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The medium says:

I've been saying for some time that I feel like there's going to be a conflict over Taiwan, and I think that's going to happen this year. I think we're going to get an accidental conflict in a sense, because we're going to have something like a [crazy clash or incident].

In the Daily Star he continues and gives more details:

either submarines hit each other or aeroplanes clipping each other or somebody that triggers it off, and it starts to get out of control.
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This is how the conflict will end

The collision mentioned above would trigger a lot of reactions from the international community, therefore intensifying the complicated and mysterious relationship between China, Russia and the United States. However, even though the clairvoyant predicts terrible things for the next two years, he also shares his predictions concerning the end of the war:

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Ultimately, it works out well though. I feel it ends up with a new China that's broken into multiple countries. Rather than one big China

This article has been translated from Gentside DE.

Sources used:

Daily Star: 'New Nostradamus' warns horror 'plane crash' in Taiwan will spark WW3 this year Craig Hamilton-Parker: Kollision löst Dritten Weltkrieg aus! Hellseher prophezeit Horror-Szenario

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