Athos Salomé, self-proclaimed 'living Nostradamus', predicts the arrival of the Antichrist in 2023

'Living Nostradamus' who foresaw Covid-19 predicts this terrifying disaster will begin in 2023
© Hasan Almasi/UNSPLASH
'Living Nostradamus' who foresaw Covid-19 predicts this terrifying disaster will begin in 2023
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In an interview with the British media, a self-proclaimed prophet has made a grim prediction. He foretells the arrival, in 2023, of an apocalyptic figure.

2023 hasn't been the happiest of years. Between Covid-19, which seems determined to stick around, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and soaring prices, the last 12 months have been enough to give us a few grey hairs. But for Athos Salomé, the man who calls himself the 'living Nostradamus', there's more to come. According to his macabre predictions, a satanic figure foretold in the Bible could make his entrance this year.

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Apocalyptic prophecies (of dubious efficacy)

Athos Salomé, a 36-year-old man of Brazilian origin, claims to have foretold the arrival of Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and the death of Elizabeth II.

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According to him, 2022 would see the arrival of 'zombies' and the USA would be 'betrayed and invaded' in a tragedy worse than 9/11. Spoiler alert: these events never happened... But rather than admit the ineffectiveness of his extralucid powers, Athos Salomé chose to try his luck again, granting an interview to the Daily Star. The perfect opportunity for him to announce yet another end of the world.

Read more:Find out how accurate Nostradamus' deadly heat wave prediction for 2023 really was

The end is near (?)

So, according to the living Nostradamus, the Antichrist is due to appear in 2023. This enemy of Jesus is foretold in the Bible. He would be an imposter, taking the form of one or more people, sent by Satan to wage war against the Church. In short, he'd be a kind of Thanos, only worse. Interviewed by the Daily Star, Athos Salomé declared:

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Contrary to what everyone thinks, the Antichrist does not come from Europe and is expected to manifest himself fully between the years 2023 and 2026, according to Kabbalah studies.

Likewise, he foretells a bleak future for those investing in cryptocurrency: 'I wouldn't want to despair cryptocurrency investors, but a glitch or something systematic could happen and cause thousands of investors to lose considerable sums of money'. You don't have to be a prophet to know that the cryptocurrency market is doing very badly at the moment...

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Will the predictions of this living Nostradamus come true, or are they just a series of empty statements? Answer in 2024 (if the Antichrist hasn't decimated us by snapping his fingers in the meantime).

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This article has been translated from Gentside FR.

Read more:

Famously accurate in his prophecies: Who was Nostradamus?

War, evil pope, terror: This is what Nostradamus has in store for 2023

Sources used :

Cairn:The Antichrist among American evangelicals and fundamentalists from 1970 to the present day

Daily Star: 'Living Nostradamus' says Antichrist return will mark 2023 as beginning of 'end of time'

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