These 3 zodiac signs have the biggest fear of abandonment

These 3 zodiac signs have the biggest fear of abandonment
© The Hangover / Legendary Pictures
These 3 zodiac signs have the biggest fear of abandonment
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No one likes to be abandoned, but these 3 zodiac signs have a visceral fear of it!

The fear of abandonment is a feeling, a chronic fear that affects a lot of people.

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On the other hand, the signs that are more likely to abandon you are Gemini, Capricorn, and Aries. Indeed, these signs tend to ghost people, either out of cowardice or fear of hurting people. They are generally people who have a very limited entourage, and who do not hesitate to drop you from their life if you do not correspond to them any more.

Here are the three signs of the zodiac that fear rejection the most.


Cancer is a sensitive being who needs others to protect them, and they know it. This is why they fear abandonment. They are very protective of their loved ones and have deep feelings for them, but they will always fear that you will betray their love and hurt them forever. Of the signs that are most afraid of abandonment, Cancer is the one that is most terrified of losing someone.

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Virgoshate being alone. They will always be afraid of being alone, whether it's for a short or long time. They need to feel supported no matter what and will hate being left alone. This fear of abandonment in Virgos can lead to paradoxical behaviours. For example, if fear starts to get to them and they feel, rightly or wrongly, that you are drifting away, Virgo will not hesitate to take the lead and abandon you.

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The Scorpio, passionate and very jealous, gives themselves body and soul in their relationships. It goes without saying that they are afraid of abandonment. In fact, they will be terrified at the idea of losing a person for whom they have given so much and with whom they have invested themselves fully. Already prey to dark thoughts, because of their taciturn side, the fear of abandonment could create deep anxiety in them, manifesting itself in self-destructive behaviours.

This article has been translated from Oh!mymag FR.

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