These are the 4 zodiac signs that are most likely to ghost you

These are the 4 zodiac signs that are most likely to ghost you
© Silver Linings Playbook (2012) / The Weinstein Company
These are the 4 zodiac signs that are most likely to ghost you
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Don’t count on a text back from these zodiac signs—even if they seem very interested at first!

Dating these days, especially thanks to apps, is an intricate dance where people pretty much never know what they’re doing. Is it too forward to text right after matching on an app or getting their number? What’s the acceptable amountof time to wait in between asking to see each other? Frankly, it can get incredibly confusing—especially when they suddenly go Casper on you, making you wonder what you possibly did wrong.

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Expect these zodiac signs to ghost you:


Aquarius’ natural aloofness and emotional unavailability are part of why they are so appealing—you want to see if you’ll be that special person that finally makes them crack. Unfortunately, many before you have tried and failed, so it’s best not to take it so personally when they go MIA on you, says Thought Catalog. They’re private about their inner world and value independence, so if you don’t pass the vibe check, you’ll never see them again. They also probably have their hands full with the many social causes they’re always working on!

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Geminis can get very confusing to talk to. They’re talkative and show great interest in you, which is why it’s surprising when they suddenly dip despite building some momentum with them. Typically, it’s because they can’t decide on what opportunities to take, because saying yes to one means saying no to another. The idea of missing out on something potentially great stresses them to no end, and sometimes that means they won’t make any decision at all—hence the crickets!

These are the 4 zodiac signs that are most likely to ghost you Nomadland (2020) / Highwayman, Hear/Say Productions, Cor Cordium Productions
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Enthusiastic Sagittarius has plenty to share, which means your conversations with this sign are likely lively and a little spicy. When they vanish on you, it stings a lot, especially since you don’t see it coming, warns ThoughtCatalog. Maybe it’s because they found a new flame, or maybe it’s because they jetted off to their next adventure and completely forgot that they had something planned with you.


Libras are crazy about partnerships and always want to have something going on with someone. Still, that doesn’t mean they’re always in it to play the long game. As an air sign, they’re naturally flighty, which means they’ll flee as soon as they feel uncomfortable. Though they love having a great time with someone new and keeping things on a light note, if you move too fast, you’ll scare them off. The thing is, due to their conflict aversion, they probably won’t even tell you they’re uncomfortable!

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Source used:

Thought Catalog, These Are the 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Most Likely to Ghost You

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