Prince William and Kate’s live-in nanny will be key to Kate’s recovery, who is Maria Borrallo?

Prince William Kate nanny recovery Maria Borrallo
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Prince William Kate nanny recovery Maria Borrallo
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Even though Prince William and Princess Kate like to be hands-on parents, they still rely on a live-in nanny for certain situations. Who is Maria Borrallo?

Princess Kate was recently discharged from hospital after spending 13 days as an in-patient after undergoing abdominal surgery, which The Palace assured the public was not cancer-related.

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The Princess of Wales will now continue her recovery at home and will be out of action until at least Easter, as confirmed by The Palace. As many royal fans know, Prince William and Princess Kate try their best to be hands-on parents, but with Kate recovering from surgery it may be harder for them.

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This means that the couple will rely a lot more on their live-in nanny, Maria Borrallo, who has been the Wales’s nanny since 2014. Who is Maria Borrallo, where did she study and how much does she earn? We have all the answers.

Princess Kate will rely on her live-in nanny, Maria Borrallo a lot more

Like many mothers after undergoing major surgery, Princess Kate will need all the help she can get to look after her three children, Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 7 and Prince Louis, 5.

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Lucky for the Princess of Wales, she has a supportive husband, Prince William, who had reportedly cleared his social calendar for the time being to be there for her. Moreover, the couple has a live-in nanny, Maria Borrallo.

As reported by GB News, Princess Kate will rely a lot more on Maria as she recovers from surgery, royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams said:

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Kate has obviously had significant surgery. As a hands on mother when possible, she will need to rest as much as she can.
This means she will rely on Maria a great deal in the coming weeks and maybe months.
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How much does Maria Borrallo earn?

According to People, Maria Borrallo has been Prince William and Princess Kate’s live-in nanny since Prince George was 8 months old. She has remained the couple’s nanny since then and has helped raise the Wales’s two other children.

Maria Borrallo was born in Spain and studied at Norland College, which is known as one of the best universities to learn childcare. Norland students learn a wide range of skills, from child brain development to first aid.

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Moreover, as per People, students at Norland are taught to drive under extreme conditions as training to avoid paparazzi and are also taught Taekwondo as a form of self-defence.

Nannies who have graduated from Norland College are easily recognised through their uniforms, the women wear A-line dresses and white gloves while the men wear a brown tweed jacket and beige chinos. The uniform is completed with a brown boater hat, which is worn by both men and women.

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As per Mirror, those who have graduated from Norland College are known to become nannies for members of the Royal Family as well as celebrities. Those who are newly qualified can earn up to £42,000 for a non-residential role.

Nannies with more experience can earn up to £120,000 with perks such as designer handbags, trips abroad and luxurious living quarters. Considering that Maria Borrallo has been Prince William and Princess Kate’s nanny for 10 years, it can be expected that she earns towards the higher end of the range.

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Source used:

Mirror: ‘Huge salary of Prince George and Princess Charlotte's 'real-life Mary Poppins' nanny’

GB News: ‘Princess Kate will 'lean on' her trusted nanny Maria Borrallo during her recovery period’

People: ‘Who Is Kate Middleton and Prince William's Royal Nanny? All About Maria Borrallo’

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