Prince Charles and the Queen: Royal expert reveals possible reason behind his recent ‘impromptu visits’

Prince Charles and the Queen: Royal expert reveals possible reason behind his recent ‘impromptu visits’
© Max Mumby
Prince Charles and the Queen: Royal expert reveals possible reason behind his recent ‘impromptu visits’
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Prince Charles has been reportedly making regular visits to the Queen every day as she faces mobility issues.

The Queen heads to Balmoral Castle in July every year and remains there till October before she returns to Buckingham Palace. That’s her annual tradition which has remained so for a while now, however, her mobility issues are shaking things up for her a little.

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Regular visits

As the 96-year-old monarch is in Balmoral, Prince Charles has been making regular visits to her every morning. It may be a sign of concern on the Prince of Wales’s part that he has been making these impromptu visits to the Queen, reports The Sun.

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Although Prince Andrew is staying at the main house with the Queen, Prince Charles has been using the gaps in his schedule to make visits to her. Ingrid Seward, a royal expert, claims:

It’s highly unusual for Prince Charles to make these kinds of impromptu visits to see his mother.
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But Charles is a very thoughtful person — and who else can she rely on now Prince Philip has gone?
Prince Charles with his mother Max Mumby
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So, the reason behind his visits to the Queen may just be that the monarch trusts him and depends on him more than any of her children after Prince Philip’s death. Ingrid added:

Everyone thinks they normally see each other all the time, but they don’t.
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They often blame it on the geography because everyone is scattered all around the country.

New PM

The regular visits come after it was recently disclosed that the Queen will not be going to Buckingham Palace to appoint the new Prime Minister next month. Instead, the Prime Minister would be travelling to Scotland for the ceremony.

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It would be too much of a task for the monarch, who has been facing mobility issues, to travel the 1,000-mile round-trip from Balmoral. Meanwhile, she is believed to have plans to attend the Braemar games next weekend.

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