Outrage as Prince Andrew reportedly continues to wear his Grenadier Guards kit

Outrage as Prince Andrew reportedly continues to wear his Grenadier Guards kit
© Victor Chavez / Getty Images
Outrage as Prince Andrew reportedly continues to wear his Grenadier Guards kit
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Prince Andrew is in the headlines again for apparently continuing to wear his Grenadier Guards kit.

The Duke of York has caused another stir by apparently persisting to wear his Grenadier Guards kit. Prince Andrew was a colonel of the regiment but was stripped of the ceremonial title by the Queen as part of the fall out from his sex abuse scandal.

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What are the Grenadier Guards?

The Grenadier Guards are one of the most senior infantry regiments in the British Army. Their motto is 'Honi soit qui mal y pense' which is French for 'Shame Upon He Who Thinks Evil Of It.' The colonel-in-chief of the Grenadier Guards is the Queen.

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Outrage as Prince Andrew reportedly continues to wear his Grenadier Guards kit Mark Kerrison / Getty Images

What did Prince Andrew do?

Andrew was reportedly spotted while horse riding in Windsor wearing a fleece and jacket featuring the regiment’s royal cypher. The Duke allegedly wears it on purpose and rides close to photographers. A source told The Sun:

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It is pretty clear he is doing it deliberately and stepped it up as soon as he was told he wouldn’t get his post back.

Julian Perreira, a former Grenadier Guard who served three tours of Afghanistan, said:

It’s wholly inappropriate that he continues to wear the uniform. He has been asked to leave and hand over his title. He is continuing to tarnish the regiment.
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He didn’t serve in the Grenadier Guards, it was only ceremonial so he has no right to continue to wear the royal cypher. But no one can officially tell him to stop wearing it and he knows he can get away with it.

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