Meghan Markle sumed up her first meeting with Kate with just one word

Meghan Markle sumed up her first meeting with Kate with just one word
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Meghan Markle sumed up her first meeting with Kate with just one word
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Prince Harry has the highest hopes when he first introduced Meghan Markle to his brother and sister in law, Prince William and Kate Middleton, and Meghan has summed up the experience in a single word.

Harry proposed to Meghan back in 2017 after a cosy night in their Kensington Palace Cottage. The couple had met just a little over a year beforehand in Botswana and it was love at first sight.

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Of course, being so keen to marry Meghan, Harry was just as excited to introduce the love of his life to his family. And, they were just as excited to meet her too.

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Meghan had announced that the royal family was very welcoming of her and described her awe-inspiring experience of meeting the Queen. In the couple's post-engagement interview with the BBC, Meghan also described what it was like to meet her sister in law and it's not at all how you would expect. She simply said it was 'wonderful'.

Harry spoke about how William and Kate were dying to meet Meghan after hearing so much about her. Harry stated:

It was exciting I mean I’ve — you know I’d been seeing her for a period of time when I literally didn’t tell anybody at all. And then William was longing to meet her and so was Catherine, so you know, being our neighbours, we managed to get that in a couple of — well quite a few times now and Catherine has been absolutely …
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And then Meghan interrupted:


Meghan added that she had also met the Queen on a handful of occasions:

It’s incredible. I think, you know, to be able to meet her through his lens, not just with his honour and respect for her as the monarch, but the love that he has for her as his grandmother, all of those layers have been so important for me so that when I met her I had such a deep understanding and of course incredible respect for being able to have that time with her. And we’ve had a really — she’s — she’s an incredible woman.
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This is a huge difference from recent coverage that sees a rift between the two young couples but it's nice to hear they once got along swimmingly.

Since Meghan and Harry's departure from the royal family tensions between the brothers have been rising and falling due to stress over the news of the couple's 'unofficial biography'. Prince William has been worried about how he will be portrayed in the memoir as he has not always been the most sympathetic person.

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Russell Myers, the Daily Mirror's royal editor, has stated:

This book is coming out, it's called Finding Freedom. It's the unofficial biography of Harry and Meghan and royal aides are apparently quite worried about what sort of light it's going to paint Prince William in. He's been called unsympathetic and unfeeling potentially in the book. Royal aides have been meeting behind the scenes preparing for the worst.
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