King Charles III's coronation in danger according to an astrologer, here's why

King Charles III's coronation in danger
© Max Mumby
King Charles III's coronation in danger
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King Charles III’s coronation will occur on May 6, 2023. However, the planetary position promotes disaster during that time.

Reportedly, King Charles’ coronation date falls in the period of notorious mercury retrograde. Meaning, expect miscommunications, technological fails, false gossip or meltdowns. And as if that were not enough, the birth charts of the rest of the family spell trouble as well.

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A postponement or cancellation ahead

Astrologer Jessica Adams claims that mercury retrograde is a sign that Charles’ coronation will go awry. She told Express:

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The coronation date of Charles III was announced on Mercury Retrograde and is set for Mercury Retrograde. Expect a date change or cancellation.
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What’s more? The coronation also falls on a Full Moon night which could also cause some trouble. It is believed that during a Full Moon people show erratic behaviour and things can go crazy. Jessica added:

It is far from auspicious, if it ever comes to pass at all.
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A dark time for the Royals

Moving on from the coronation date’s astrological effects, Jessica also noted that from March 2023, the Royal Family will be getting into a period of extreme turmoil. The younger generation will be the ones most affected by it and every significant Royal Family member’s chart speaks of trouble. She said:

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The Royal Family is walking into a crisis not possible in 248 years from March 2023 which involves the younger generation; the line of succession. The United Kingdom will be far from united then.
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Future King Prince George and Princess Charlotte are expected to be affected the most,and according to Jessica, the fate of the Royal Family is far from secure.

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Suggesting it will be a ‘difficult moment of truth for the UK as a constitutional monarchy,’ Jessica predicted financial aspects including taxation and property may be involved.

Even the brothers – Princes Harry and William – will have a difficult time sailing smoothly. She added:

Prince Harry will find himself in a clash of wills, possibly literally, as Wills (William) or the last will and testament of one or more royals will be involved.
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And unfortunately, or not, Prince Andrew’s birth chart ties in with the inevitable disaster ahead:

Prince Andrew's horoscope also ties in, so this is about the whole dynasty.
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Jessica concluded that the coming year is going to shake up the monarchy in more ways than one. She said:

This is a historic difficulty for The Firm not possible in a quarter-century as 2024 will show.

Sources Used

Express: Charles' coronation may be 'cancelled' as Royal Family enters 'crisis' - claims astrologer

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