Porn: This is what women love watching the most

Porn: This is what women love watching the most
Porn: This is what women love watching the most
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A 2014 study conducted by Pornhub and Buzzfeed has revealed what kind of porn women love watching the most. The answer is beyond shocking.

Although some women may be more discreet about their browser history, it is a very well established fact that they love watching porn as much as their male counterparts. But given that the subject is seldom talked about, Pornhub investigated the habits of their female visitors to answer this curious question: ‘what do women want?’

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The surprising answer

The leading pornography website published their findings and revealed that women actually love to watch lesbian porn. They wrote:

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Pornhub’s Lesbian (nsfw) category is the leading favorite among the ladies, with Gay (male) following close at second place.

In fact, the term that is most frequently searched on their platform is ‘lesbian.’ Surprising, isn’t it?

Lesbian porn

But this brings up a larger question, which was addressed by Women’s Health—does watching lesbian porn determine your sexual orientation? Sex educator and researcher Wandasha Jenkins says that that’s not necessarily the case all the time. She said:

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It is absolutely normal to enjoy lesbian porn if you are a straight woman.
It is not an indicator that you are lesbian or bisexual, although there is nothing wrong with exploring your sexual orientation.
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She also mentions that lesbian porn may be more appealing as it often depicts female pleasure in a more realistic way. She added:

Women are often props for the male gaze and their sexual gratification in mainstream porn.
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It’s basically penis and ejaculation-centric. On the other hand, lesbian porn can be more sensual, softer, and more realistic in its portrayal of sex and orgasms.
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