Having sex just once a week is enough to keep the flame alive, study shows

Having sex just once a week is enough to keep the flame alive, study shows
Having sex just once a week is enough to keep the flame alive, study shows
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A study conducted in 2019 exposes the number of sexual encounters it takes to keep the flame alive in your relationship.

An American study has shown that one sexual encounter per week is enough to keep a couple happy. This is necessary to 'maintain an intimate connection with your partner.'

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Surprising results

Over the past 40 years, 30,000 American couples were surveyed and found that having sex once a week is the best way to have a happy couple. Psychologist Amy Muise explained:

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Having frequent sex is associated with greater happiness, but this link is not as strong when the frequency is greater than once a week. Our findings suggest that it is important to maintain an intimate connection with your partner, but you don't need to have sex every day as long as you maintain that connection.

Sex: an important topic in a couple

As we all know, sex allows for intimacy, closeness and togetherness. However, many people think that the more frequent the sex, the happier the couple. The study showed that having sex just once a week is sufficient for a couple.

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These results should not necessarily be taken literally. It is up to you to decide how often you want to have sex. Especially since weekly intercourse is not the only criterion for a happy and fulfilled couple.

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