Facebook Announces Their New Dating Site

Facebook Announces Their New Dating Site
Facebook Announces Their New Dating Site
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Despite being just a few short weeks removed from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook is showing no signs of slowing down. The next move for them: their own dating site.

To say that the Cambridge Analytica scandal that broke just a few weeks ago caused a few waves on the internet would be quite the understatement. CEO Mark Zuckerberg is hoping that his newest announcement will win back the hearts of his users.

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During the Facebook Developer Conference in San Jose, California this week, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will soon launch their very own dating site. If you find yourself interested in trying it out, no need to panic: your "dating" profile will be entirely separate from your "public" profile, so no one will know what kind of freaky stuff you're into behind closed doors.

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Meaningful, long-term relationships

'There are 200 million people on Facebook that list themselves as single, so clearly there’s something to do here', the CEO claimed during his speech. He claims the platform is 'not just for hookups', but rather for 'meaningful, long-term relationships'.

After the disaster that was Cambridge Analytica, Zuckerberg assures that any data collected by the platform will be used solely for creating a better user experience and suggesting the best possible match. All user data will be completely secure and will not be sent off to advertising agencies.

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So what do you think? Are you in to give it a try?

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