The side of the bed you sleep on can can say a lot about your personality

the side of bed you sleep on predicts your personality
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the side of bed you sleep on predicts your personality
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If you find yourself always wanting to sleep on a particular side of your bed, here's what your preferred side suggests about you as a person.

Do you have a particular side of your bed that you always prefer to sleep on? If the answer is yes, you're not the only one. Some people even claim that they can't sleep well at night if they have to switch sides.

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While it might be due to their sleeping position, or even the fact that apparently, we just sleep less as we get older, the side of bed you like to sleep on does say a lot about you as a person, as per researchers.

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Here's what studies suggest about your preferences.

Do you have a preferred side for sleeping?

As published in PR Newswire, mattress brand Saatva Mattress conducted a 'Pick Your Side,' survey in the United States, in order to find out if 'something as simple as picking the right side of the bed or facing or not facing your partner,' could impact the quality of sleep and wellbeing.

The survey found that 40% of adult Americans have a preferred side of the bed, making sure they always slept on the same side. More than 50% of these people were not even aware of having picked a side unconsciously.

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Overall, the survey suggests that more Americans sleep on the right side of the bed than the left.

This is what your side of the bed suggests about you

In a recent TikTok video, @jordan_the_stallion8 says that research claims that people generally pick a side of the bed according to their attitude towards work, personality and income. He is totally right: research does back all that up.

In a report by Cosmopolitan UK, psychologist Hope Bastine weighs in on what people's preferred side of the bed to sleep on, indicates about them. She says, people who sleep on the left side of the bed have a more positive outlook on life and benefit from it.

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As per a survey, overall, more Americans sleep on the right side of the bed than the left Jack Sparrow

The psychologist explains,

A positive outlook allows lefties to be more capable at dealing with a heavy workload, which means they’re not as easily phased by a stressful day. Those who sleep on the left believe they are calmer than their partner in a crisis and are more confident in general.
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On the other hand, people who sleep on the right side of the bed have a less positive outlook on life, but in a couple, it could provide a balance to the left-siders. She explains,

They’re also more likely to be grounded and be prepared for worst-case scenarios, making left- and right-siders a match made in heaven.
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Why do people have a preferred side of the bed?

As per Bastine, the side of bed people prefer could have a lot to do with where the bed is positioned and other external environmental factors, rather than your body's innate preference for a particular side. She explains,

Of course, the side of the bed you choose may have more to do with the position of your bed than anything else. If you have claustrophobic tendencies, you’ll be less likely to sleep next to a wall, and it’s harder to get out in the morning, and it can make you feel more closed in
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The most important thing is to optimise your bed and the side of bed you sleep on so that you can get good restful sleep.

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Sources used:

TikTok: @jordan_the_stallion

PR Newswire: ' Side Matters In The Bedroom'

Cosmopolitan UK: ' What does the side of the bed you sleep on say about your personality?'

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