Optical Illusion: Only one in 100 can spot the mistake in this picture, can you?

Only one in 100 can spot the mistake in this picture. Can you?
© Wolfgang Pfliegl
Only one in 100 can spot the mistake in this picture. Can you?
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Are you a problem solver? This puzzle left us scratching our heads and only one in a hundred people can actually solve this puzzle. Do you think you're the one?

Numerous puzzles, brain teasers and illusions are posted on the internet every day. Some are silly and absurd while there are those who leave us scratching our heads trying to figure them out. But there are a few puzzles that are truly intriguing and interesting to solve.

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One such puzzle was posted on the viral social network, TikTok. A TikTok user posted a puzzle and claimed that the riddle can only be solved by one in 100 people.

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The mystery of the puzzle

The TikTok user shows, what seems to be, a very simple picture that appears to be normal at first glance. The picture displays the interior of a kitchen and has ordinary cooking utensils, It appears to be recently used, as there are unwashed dishes in the sink.

Although nothing seems out of the blue, there is a small detail many failed to notice.

The mystery of the puzzle DR
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Mystery solved

Some might solve this brain teaser without much effort, but we can help the people who struggle with this puzzle. Upon a closer inspection, it can be observed that this one detail is out of the ordinary.

If you pay close attention to the toaster, you can see a string sticking out of the toaster. The string that is usually found attached to a teabag, seems out of place in the toaster. So the mystery is finally resolved!

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Kudos to those who managed to solve this puzzle on their own. As for the people who didn't quite manage to figure this out, there’s always another puzzle that needs to be solved. So better luck next time!

This article is translated from Gentside FR.

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Optical illusion: Only 1% of the population can solve it, are you one of them?

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