This Is Why You Shouldn't Go On A Pre-Holiday Detox

This Is Why You Shouldn't Go On A Pre-Holiday Detox
This Is Why You Shouldn't Go On A Pre-Holiday Detox
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If you're considering a pre-Christmas detox, you might want to think again as health experts say it's not as worthwhile as social media influencers would have you believe - and it could even be dangerous.

After the holiday period or indeed, any event where we eat too much, many of us seek a quick fix in subscribing to a detox plan.

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What health experts say

With influencers such as Beyoncé and Gwyneth Paltrow both promoting detox plans, it’s no surprise that they’re so popular. However, according to a health expert at the Huffington Post, the Guardian and Slate, ‘it’s a pseudo-medical concept created to sell you things’. In reality, it’s useless to deprive ourselves of foods just to make ourselves lose weight in record time.

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The process of detoxing

If our bodies had so much trouble removing toxins as the sellers of these detox products claim, we would all already be dead, explains The Guardian. In fact, our body is programmed to break down and excrete toxins from our body, just at a slower rate. By taking these products, we easily weight due to the diuretics and laxatives present in them, says The New York Times. In other words, once you stop the detox, the pounds all pile back on again. The only real solution to losing weight and staying healthy is to exercise, have a balanced diet and not to smoke.

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