This is how your body reacts to coffee hours after drinking it

Coffee: here are the effects on your body hour by hour
© juanma hache GETTY_IMAGES
Coffee: here are the effects on your body hour by hour
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For many people coffee is the drink of choice for breakfast and others consume it throughout the day as well. But what are its effects on our bodies over the long term?

An average individual usually starts their day with a heaping cup of coffee and it's not something out of the ordinary. As caffeine is absorbed in our bodies, our mannerisms and mood begins to change. We are much more aware and sharp. But what happens as the caffeine is digested in our systems? Let's take a look.

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One hour after the first coffee

It takes between an hour and 90 minutes after waking up for the cortisol produced by our body to return to normal levels. Otherwise, we will not even feel the effects of the caffeine that is supposed to wake us up.

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After drinking our morning cup, it is only 30 minutes later that the first effect appears. At this time, the effects of caffeine are at their maximum: agitation, stress and wakefulness, this is when we feel the most 'nervous' effects of coffee. It is also at this stage of ingestion that you are most likely to urinate more due to the mild diuretic effect of caffeine.

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5 to 10 hours later

After this stage, there will be a minimum period of 10 hours in which the caffeine is gradually eliminated from your body. Its normal 'half-life' is between 4 and 6 hours, reduced by half for smokers.

'Half-life' is the time it takes for your body to eliminate half of the substance from your body, so if you consume 10 mg of caffeine, it will take 5 hours to return to 5 mg. The other half of the caffeine ingested will take at least another 5 hours to be completely eliminated.

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This article was translated from Gentside FR.

Sources used:

- La 83% des Français consomment du café

-Presse Santé: combien de temps la caféine reste-t-elle présente dans votre organisme ?

-The Conversation: quels sont les effets du café sur votre corps ?

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