Pregnant Women Less Likely To Suffer From COVID Vaccine Side Effects

Pregnant Women Less Likely To Suffer From COVID Vaccine Side Effects
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Pregnant Women Less Likely To Suffer From COVID Vaccine Side Effects
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According to a recent study, pregnant women are less likely to experience COVID vaccine side effects than those who aren’t expecting.

Researchers at the University of Washington have found that pregnant women are less likely to suffer from side effects after receiving the coronavirus vaccine.

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The study, published in the JAMA Network Open, gathered data of over 17,000 participants. Out of the group, 7,770 were expecting mums, 6,775 were breastfeeding, and 2,886 non-pregnant women were used as the control. Researchers then compared the post-jab side effects experienced by each group.

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According to the results, those who were pregnant were less likely to experience post-COVID jab side effects such as fatigue, myalgia, headaches and chills. However, pregnant people aren’t immune to the side effects, and many still experienced common sensations like pain at the injection site and fever.

Those lactating were also more likely to avoid the side effects, but to a lesser extent than pregnant women.

Additionally, almost all women (97%) experienced at least one side effect after receiving their first COVID jab.

The most commonly experienced side effect was pain at the injection site, which 91% of participants reported. The second was fatigue, which 31% of women claimed to endure.

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Pregnant women more likely to seek medical attention for side effects

However, pregnant people who do experience side effects were found to be more likely to seek medical attention.

Results showed that half of the 100 patients that sought out medical treatment due to side effects after their first dose were pregnant, while 156 of the 221 people who sought a professional for second dose side effects were also pregnant.

It’s unsure if pregnant women were more likely to seek medical attention because the side effects they experienced were more severe or if they were just more cautious due to pregnancy.

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Results of the study were also inconclusive as to why pregnant and breastfeeding women experienced fewer side effects and at a lower rate than the control group.

Pregnant women urged to get their COVID jabs

Results of the study come not long after the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) recommended pregnant people to get their COVID vaccines as soon as possible.

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Previously the CDC declared that pregnant people were eligible for the vaccine but did not fully recommend the action due to potential uncertainties. Now, any concerns have been debunked as another study concluded there were no adverse long-term side effects from the vaccine for expecting women, giving them the green light.

Pregnant women were also urged to get vaccinated against the virus as they are more at risk of severe infection and hospitalisation from COVID.

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Another study recently revealed thatpregnant women who contract COVID are also at risk of premature birth. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of California, found that pregnant women had a 60% increased risk of giving birth ‘very-preterm, meaning they would give birth less than 32 weeks into their pregnancy.

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