Here are the effects of a bite from the fire ant, an insect that is arriving in Europe

Here are the effects of a bite from the fire ant, an insect that is arriving in Europe
© oktavianus mulyadi/Unsplash
Here are the effects of a bite from the fire ant, an insect that is arriving in Europe
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The fire ant,Solenopsisinvicta, has now arrived in Europe. This venomous speciesof ant is notorious for its particularly painful sting.

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According to a study published Monday September 11 in thejournal Current Biology, 88 nests of the species have been identified in the province of Syracuse, Sicily (Italy). The fire ant has already conquered Australia, the United States, China, Mexico and the Caribbean.

'We knew this day would come'

Mattia Menchetti, researcher at the Spanish Institute of Evolutionary Biology, said:

Finding this species in Italy was a big surprise, but we knew this day would come.
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The researchers stated that they did not know exactly how this fire ant had landed in the suburb of Syracuse. According to scientists, 7% of the European continent is suitable for this predatory ant. Its presence has a negative impact on the environment. 'It's one of the 100 most invasive and problematic species in the world', explained entomologist Philippe Nicolas, director of studies at the CNRS, on the set of BFMTV.

A problematic species for its economic cost and for local biodiversity

'[This insect] is causing a reduction in the diversity of invertebrates and small vertebrates', warned Mattia Menchetti. Due to its omnivorous nature, its prey range is wide. 'It directly attacks various parts of the plant, such as roots, fruits, flowers and stems', summarized Mattia Menchetti in the columns of Sciences et Avenir. He specified:

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It attacks crops as well as electrical andcommunications equipment
It is estimated to have caused the United States a loss of 6 billion euros.
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What are the symptoms of a fire ant bite?

When a fire ant bites, it attaches its mandibles to your skin. Then it bends backwards and sticks its stinger into your skin, injecting venom. It can sting repeatedly, moving in a circular motion, hence the final shape.

The symptoms of a fire ant bite occur in stages:

  1. First, you'll feel a burning or tingling sensation.
  2. About an hour later, bumps or itchy marks will develop. Bumps are usually circular or semicircular.
  3. After several hours, blisters will develop where the bumps were located. They are generally very irritating.
  4. A day or so later, the blisters fill with a yellow or white pus-like fluid. They usually disappear within a week.
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Most people can treat fire ant bites at home with antihistamines, over-the-counter steroid creams and cold compresses. But sometimes bites can cause systemic or life-threatening reactions.

  • Local reaction:A localized reaction involves symptoms in the same area of your body, but beyond the site of the bite. For example, a bite on your calf may cause swelling throughout your lower leg. Local reactions usually last a few days.
  • Systemic reaction: Your whole body can react to a sting. Symptoms may include stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, a swollen tongue or difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  • Anaphylaxis:Rarely, fire ant stings can cause anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially fatal allergic reaction. Symptoms include dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness and/or cardiac arrest.

This article has been translated from Gentside FR.

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Current Biology: The invasive ant Solenopsis invicta is established in Europe

Cleveland Clinic: Fire Ant Bites

Sciences et Avenir

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