Experts reveal this common disease can increase your risk of developping bowel cancer

common disease diabetes bowel cancer colon risks health
© Towfiqu Barbhuiya / Unsplash
common disease diabetes bowel cancer colon risks health
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Researchers in the USA have now made a discovery that is likely to shock some people - because a common disease allegedly increases the risk of developing bowel cancer.

If you're already plagued by a (metabolic) pre-existing condition, you don't want to hear any more bad news. But now a study from the USA shows that there is a clear link between bowel cancer and this disease.

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Diabetes increases the risk of developing bowel cancer

In the US, researchers have set out to investigate the links between bowel cancer and diabetes mellitus. In a recent study, they analyzed the data of around 54,000 people - and deliberately focused on the data of people from low-income groups.

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These are generally under-researched - and even if the results of the study cannot be considered 'universally valid', they point in a fairly clear direction:

The study revealed that people with diabetes mellitus have an almost 50% higher risk of developing bowel cancer than people who do not suffer from this metabolic disorder! Sufferers should therefore take the issue of bowel cancer screening particularly seriously.

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Read more:Woman reveals bowel cancer symptom she could smell on her hands

Other factors that influence bowel cancer

In addition to this finding, however, there are also factors that have long been known to increase the risk of bowel cancer. In addition to genetic and therefore hereditary factors, these include things that fall into the category of an unhealthy lifestyle:

Smoking, a poor diet and (severe) obesity also promote the development and spread of cancer cells.

Read more:This common medication could increase your risk of inflammatory bowel disease by 50%

This article has been translated from Gentside DE.

Source used:

Fitbook: Laut Studie: Diese Volkskrankheit könnte das Darmkrebsrisiko erhöhen

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