Do we need to eat more in winter? Scientists give their answer, and it's not what you think

study science research winter fat food body health
© Angela Pham / Unsplash
study science research winter fat food body health
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Cuffing season is underway. But is it really good to eat fatty foods when it's cold? Scientists give their answer, and you'll be surprised!

When winter arrives, it's hard to do without pies, roasts and fondues of all kinds. For many, the drop in temperatures means it's time for fatty meals. But does our body really need it?

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It used to be true

And with good reason: this habit is inherited from an old belief that 'when it's cold, you need more energy to maintain your body temperature at 37°C', as Professor Pierre Déchelotte explains to French magazine L'Obs.

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But is it really worth it? According to the nutritionist, the answer is unfortunately no.

It used to be true, 50 years ago. [...] But it's no longer true in today's environment, in which our energy requirements have diminished considerably.

We're less exposed to the cold than we used to be

Between our homes and our workplaces, few of us are exposed to the cold. Eating more fat to burn off more energy doesn't help nutritionally. Even if, after all, this type of meal has become a way of sharing moments of conviviality with loved ones.

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These days, our lives are also much more sedentary than those of our elders. Professor Déchelotte explains:

Our current modern lifestyle is too energy-efficient. Hence the recommendation to move more. [...] On a day-to-day basis, we need to give priority to a varied, balanced, less rich diet.

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This article has been translated from Gentside FR.

Source used:

L'Obs: Faut-il manger gras quand il fait froid ?

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