After Months Of Headaches, Her Boyfriend Pulled This Monstrosity Out Of Her...

After Months Of Headaches, Her Boyfriend Pulled This Monstrosity Out Of Her...
After Months Of Headaches, Her Boyfriend Pulled This Monstrosity Out Of Her...
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You may want to skip this one if you're about to have dinner. After complaining of severe headaches for several weeks, this girl’s boyfriend decided to look into what was causing her this excruciating pain.

Headaches aren’t nice at the best of times. In fact, they’re quite annoying but normally a couple of paracetamol is enough to cure it. However, after the pain just wouldn’t go away, her boyfriend decided to take action. After looking into the problem a little deeper he discovered that the cause of the problem was a bot fly larvae, that had managed to get under the poor girl’s skin.

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Normally, these kind of Bot flies infiltrate animals such as cattle or sheep although they have been known to do the same to humans. Once under the skin, these annoying little critters are very difficult to get out. So when this young woman and her boyfriend discovered that one was hidden under her scalp, they immediately tried to extract it. After failing to smoke it out with a glass bottle and a lit match, they finally managed to extract the intruder by blocking its breathing holes with tape and pulling it out.

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So next time you’ve got a headache, remember; you can never be too careful.

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