You Could Get Paid To Spend Your Summer In This Dreamy Italian Province...

You Could Get Paid To Spend Your Summer In This Dreamy Italian Province...
You Could Get Paid To Spend Your Summer In This Dreamy Italian Province...
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Looking for a spot for your next summer holiday? Airbnb has the ideal plan for you, offering four volunteers to settle during the season in a small Italian village, all expenses paid.

If you are looking for a sunny destination for your next summer holiday, but you are unfortunately a bit broke, don’t panic! Airbnb is offering for you to live the Dolce Vita in Italy, without paying a single penny.

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How? Simply thanks to an operation conducted in partnership with the local Wonder Grottole association, which is offering for four volunteers to come live for 3 months in the small village of Grottole located in the province of Matera in the south of the country, which is unfortunately deserted most of the year. In order to revive this site which is occupied by only 300 inhabitants, Airbnb and Wonder Grotto are inviting four people to come and stay for free in one of the unoccupied houses between June and August and to participate in local life such as market gardening, harvesting honey, the production of olive oil and even... the manufacturing of pasta.

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Once trained in these skills, the volunteers will be responsible for welcoming tourists and informing them so that they are able to enjoy the Italian gastronomy as well as the charms of Grottole. ‘Our dream is to repopulate the historic centre. In ten years, we would like to see a village full of people from different cultures perfectly integrated into the local community,’ says Silvio Donadio, founder of Wonder Grottole who promises that all the benefits of this experience will be reinvested into the village.

Check out the video above for more details!

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