War in Ukraine: This Ukrainian brewery sells 'Putin is d***head' craft beer

War in Ukraine
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War in Ukraine
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This Lviv brewery prepares Molotov cocktails made in bottles of its 'Putin is a d***head' artisan beer.

As women and children join the fight against Russian forces and prepare homemade weapons to defend their city from Vladimir Putin's invasion, a Ukrainian brewery has begun creating Molotov cocktails.

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Weaponized cocktails

According to Daily Mail, women and children in Ukraine have begun to construct a makeshift armoury of weapons to use against invading Russian forces in a significant civilian resistance effort after men between the ages of 18 and 60 were drafted into the Ukrainian army. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed the government would give weapons to those eager to fight, and Ukrainian television broadcast instructions for making Molotov cocktails, which are incendiary weapons produced by pouring flammable liquid into a glass bottle. Ukraine’s defence ministry reportedly said on Facebook:

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We urge citizens to inform us of troop movements, to make Molotov cocktails, and neutralise the enemy.
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D***head craft beer

The Pravda Brewery in Lviv said it had moved from making beer to making homemade firebombs out of bottles of its artisan brew, 'Putin is a d***head.' The brewery claims that locals are helping with the production.

The brewery in the western city sells a case of 24 330ml bottles of the ale for 979 Ukrainian hryvnias (£23.30). When approached by Russian troops, a young woman whose husband was buying a handgun told BBC presenter Nick Robinson that she would use the weapon. She added:

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It’s not the only weapon we’ve got, we’re just buying a new one to add to the stocks.

According to Yuriy Zastavny, the owner of the brewery, they started making Molotov cocktails after an employee suggested it during Kyiv's pro-Western uprising in 2014. Zastavny said:

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We do this because someone has to. We have the skills; we went through a street revolution in 2014. We had to make and use Molotov cocktails then.

He promised to do all we can to aid in the victory of the war. The majority dress casually and wear yellow armbands to designate themselves as volunteer soldiers.

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