Vladimir Putin fires top Russian military general, weeks later he mysteriously dies

Vladimir Putin fires top Russian military general, weeks later he mysteriously dies
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Vladimir Putin fires top Russian military general, weeks later he mysteriously dies
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A former high-ranking Russian military official has been found dead weeks after being fired by Vladimir Putin.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, reports of mysterious deaths of Russian elites and high-ranking officials keep piling up. The most recent incident involves Major General Vladimir Makarov, former deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Combating Extremism.

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Russian general allegedly died by suicide

The anonymous Russian Telegram channel, Cheka-OGPU, posted that Makarov's body was found by his wife, Valentina, on Monday 13 February in a country house in the village of Golikovo, close to Moscow.

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Valentina was in the house with her husband when she heard a gunshot at 7am, according to local reports. Valentina summoned her adult son who then called an ambulance, however paramedics were unable to save Makarov and he was pronounced dead.

Law enforcement officials allegedly informed Russian state media outlet TASS that 72-year-old Makarov died by suicide. It is unclear what firearm was used, with some saying a Berkut-2M hunting rifle was discovered nearby, while others say it was a pistol.

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According to Moscow-based media outlet Moskovsky Komsomolets, it was known that there were firearms in the home. The newspaper also said that Makarov’s family were being interrogated by the Russian Investigative Committee.

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As part of Makarov's role in 'combating extremism' in Russia, he allegedly organised and led the 'hunt' and suppression of opponents, journalists, and protestors who voiced dissent against the Russian President and the Kremlin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly issued a decree to fire Makarov in January 2022, but his reasons for doing so are not known. The independent Russian news outlet SOTA alleges that after his dismissal, Makarov became deeply depressed. His family said he 'didn't know what to do'.

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However, suicide has been used to explain mysterious deaths before. A Russian oil executivedied after falling from a hospital window in September 2022, which police and security services deemed suicide.

The head of Putin's mobilisation campaigndied from hanging in October 2022, however his family doubted the claims of suicide and a murder probe was launched. A Putin critic also died after falling from a hotel window in December 2022, with officials believing it was suicide.

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Sources used:

- Newsweek: 'Russian General Found Dead Weeks After Being Fired by Putin'

- Daily Mail: 'Russian general is found shot dead in 'suicide' at his country house weeks after 'Putin fired him from his job stamping out opposition''

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