Russian MP threatens missile attack on London’s Tower Bridge

Russian MP threatens missile attack on London’s Tower Bridge
© Charles Postiaux / Unsplash
Russian MP threatens missile attack on London’s Tower Bridge
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A senior Russian MP has suggested a missile attack on London’s Tower Bridge.

Senior Russian MP Oleg Morozov has claimed on state-backed television that Boris Johnson was planning with Kyiv to blow up the Crimean Bridge, which links the annexed part of Ukraine to the Russian mainland.

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Threatening to 'attack Tower Bridge'

In response, Morozov said, as reported by Metro:

The Crimean bridge from a military strategic view is similar to Tower Bridge in London.
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If the UK is discussing a Crimean bridge attack with Ukraine, why don’t we discuss using Kalibr missiles to attack Tower Bridge in return?

TV host and fellow MP Yevgeny Popov agreed, saying that 'for a complete analogy' it should involve Russia seeking aid from a third country to destroy Tower Bridge. He said:

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I should discuss a Tower bridge attack with the Minister of Defence in China.

Morozov responded:

Yes…all the British media would go crazy then.
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They would say that Kremlin propagandist Popov is discussing a hit on central London with a Chinese minister.
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NATO bases are 'legal targets for Russia's nuclear strikes'

The presence of NATO troops in member states near the border of Russia, protecting them from potential invasion, has also drawn the ire of reserve colonel and editor-in-chief of Russia’s National Defence magazine, Igor Korotchenko. He said, as reported by Daily Star:

Wherever there are American, British, NATO garrisons, bases, where weapon systems are deployed threatening us, aimed at St Petersburg, Kaliningrad, these are legal targets.
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And any moment when NATO is ready for aggression or starts the aggression... These are legal targets for Russia’s tactical nuclear strikes on NATO bases and deployed groups which will be in Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and other countries.
Our hands should be completely untied for quick and decisive actions in response…. You threaten us, you want to strike us, we warn you. If you try, nothing will be left of you.
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Such threats have been made before

It's not the first time such threats have been made. Back in May, Dmitry Kiselyov — another Vladimir Putin propagandist — warned on his Russian state TV show that Britain will be 'plunged into the depths of the sea' by an underwater nuclear strike.

Then in June, Putin threatened to deploy its Satan-2 ballistic missile, which experts warn could be used against the UK, Europe, and the US. Russia’s defence committee deputy chairman, Aleksey Zhuravlyov, said that it could use the nuclear missile to target Britain in just '200 seconds.'

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Read more:

Vladimir Putin warns new 'Satan' nuclear missile could be deployed by end of year

War in Ukraine: Russian state TV warns that Britain will be ‘plunged into the depths of the sea’

Vladimir Putin reportedly warns about striking 'new targets' in interview with Russian state TV

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