Remains of two children discovered in suitcases by family who bought them at auction

Skeletons of two children found in suitcases sold at auction
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Skeletons of two children found in suitcases sold at auction
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The remains of two children were found in suitcases that were purchased by a family at an auction, in New Zealand. What happened to them?

It's a gruesome story. This Thursday, August 18 2022, in New Zealand, the police revealed a particularly sinister discovery. It all began when an unsuspecting family bought a bunch of auction items from a warehouse in Auckland. Inside the trailer, loaded with all kinds of finds, were two identical suitcases. On their way home, the parents decided to open them. And they were shocked to discover human remains.

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Children's remains found in two suitcases

After analysis, the investigators in charge of the case identified that they were the skeletons of two children, aged five and ten. According to The Washington Post, Inspector Tofilau Faamanuia Vaaelua disclosed that the bodies had probably been inside for years. He said:

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The nature of the discovery makes the investigation complex, particularly because of the time elapsed between the death and the discovery
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As per Reuters, authorities reveal that the buyers had no connection to the children's remains. 'The family is naturally upset by the discovery,' the inspector continued. He added that he had called in Interpol to analyse all the items in the trailer to identify the young victims. In a recent press conference, he stated:

Many of us are parents. We have a job to do and we are doing our best to identify the victims
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Police seek to identify young victims

While the deaths date back several years, investigations are focusing on the DNA present on the remains of the two bodies.

The investigation team is working very hard to hold the person or persons responsible for the deaths of these children to account
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This article was translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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