Millions warned to check Google Maps settings due to safety concerns

Millions warned to check Google Maps settings due to safety concerns
© Photo by henry perks on Unsplash
Millions warned to check Google Maps settings due to safety concerns
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Google has two options that Maps users could use to improve their personal safety online.

Google Maps serves as a window to the world by offering you a bird’s eye view of notable landmarks or neighbourhoods without you having to travel to any of these places. However, it has been fraught with many legal issues as some people and communities felt their privacy and safety have been compromised by the easy-to-access images of their homes and neighbourhoods, exposing them to potential thieves, stalkers, aggressive sales people and nosy neighbours.

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Blur your home

Google has now made it possible for you to take back some control of what is captured on its Maps app. An article on Mashable lists the steps you need to take to blur out your home or other identifiable images:

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  1. Go to Google Maps and enter your home address
  2. Enter into Street View mode by dragging the small yellow human-shaped icon, found in the bottom-right corner of the screen, onto the map in front of your house
  3. With your house in view, click 'Report a problem' in the bottom-right corner of the screen
  4. Center the red box on your home, and select 'My home' in the 'Request blurring' field
  5. Write in the provided field why you want the image blurred (for example, you may be concerned about safety issues)
  6. Enter in your email address, and click 'Submit'
Photo by Sebastian Hietsch on Unsplash

Share your location

If you’re walking home alone at night and are worried about your safety, Google Maps has a feature that makes it possible for you to share your location with loved ones. According to a piece in Daily Mail, you can access this feature by clicking on the three lines at the left of the search bar which will provide view of a menu.

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You will then see a location sharing option where you can select the amount of time you want this tracking information to be made available to the contacts you have selected.

Sources used:

Mashable: How to blur your house on Google Street View (and why you should)

Daily Mail: Millions are urged to change their settings on Google Maps to keep themselves safe

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