Greta Thunberg calls out New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern on climate change

Greta Thunberg calls out New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern
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Greta Thunberg calls out New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern
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Greta Thunberg did not shy away from sharing her true feelings about what she thinks of New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern's work towards reversing climate change.

Greta Thunberg did not hold back when she was asked what she thought about New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. The Swedish environmental activist slammed the Kiwi PM, saying she did not consider her a climate leader.

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'These people are not doing anything'

During an interview with The Guardian, Thunberg expressed not being able to think of one single politician who was taking climate change seriously enough to bring about real change. She said:

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It's funny that people believe Jacinda Ardern and people like that are climate leaders. That just tells you how little people know about the climate crisis. Obviously the emissions haven't fallen. It goes without saying that these people are not doing anything.

But although no concrete proof can be used to refute Thunberg's accusations, New Zealand's Climate Change Minister James Shaw has promised that positive results will soon be seen. But this isn't the first time the teenage activist has fired shots at Ardern.

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Thunberg not backing down

Just like last year, when the Prime Minister declared a climate emergency, Thunberg was quick to shoot her down, saying that a mere declaration will not do much in the fight to reverse climate change. When referring to an article from New Zealand's Newsroomdetailing what measures the government would be taking towards sustainability, Thunberg said:

In other words, the Government has just committed to reducing less than 1 percent of the country's emissions by 2025.' Text explaining New Zealand's so-called climate emergency declaration. This is of course nothing unique to any nation.
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Only to have the PM clap back by saying:

I would, of course, give the context there that, if that was the sum ambition of any government, then that would be worthy of criticism. It is not our sum ambition. And it is not the totality of our plans on climate change.

And added:

But again, I think that it's actually for us just to get on with the business of fulfilling our obligations and expectations.
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