Donald Trump's former advisor John Kelly claims the ex-President praised dictators in private

Trump alleged Putin comments
© James Devaney / GETTYIMAGES
Trump alleged Putin comments
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Donald Trump is known for not mincing his words. This also seems to be the case behind closed doors.

Donald Trump does not shy away from publicly lashing out at Royal Family members; he also likes to make fun of other politicians in public. It seems he acts in a similar way in hisprivate life.

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'You can never say anything good about the guy'

John Kelly is a former political advisor who served for a short period as chief of staff under Trump's presidency. However, the 73-year-old does not appear to be a great friend of the politician and has now revealed in an interview with CNN that the entrepreneur has a great admiration for other people in politics, including dictators.

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Kelly claims that Trump is full of praise for Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler, among others. The following conversation is said to have taken place between the men:

He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things.’ I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.’ But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing.' I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.
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Trump denies the rumors in 2021

However, the rumor that Trump had made such comments was already denied in 2021. Liz Harrington, who was Trump's spokeswoman at the time, told CNN:

That is completely false. President Trump never said that. It's made-up fake news, probably from a general who was incompetent and was fired.
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Kelly also claims that Trump thinks Xi Jinping is 'brilliant', while Kim Jong-un is 'okay'.

In general, Trump allegedly likes 'tough guys'; he supposedly sees himself as such. However, former National Security Advisor John Bolton sees things a little differently:

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He’s not a tough guy by any means, but in fact quite the opposite. But that’s how he envisions himself.

Bolton also revealed that Trump had often praised Putin and described him as smart. It remains to be seen whether Trump will comment on the rumors again or leave them alone.

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This article has been translated from Gentside DE.

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Sources used:

CNN: Former advisers sound the alarm that Trump praises despots in private and on the campaign trail

CNN: Trump allegedly praised Hitler as doing 'a lot of good things,' new book claims

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