Domestic Abuse: Man Punched His Partner's Baby Bump and Threw Boiling Hot Milk at Her

Domestic Abuse: Man Punched His Partner's Baby Bump and Threw Boiling Hot Milk at Her
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Domestic Abuse: Man Punched His Partner's Baby Bump and Threw Boiling Hot Milk at Her
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A 41-year-old man has been arrested by National Police agents in Valencia for allegedly assaulting his partner, who's four months pregnant.

National Police officers arrested a man in Valencia for allegedly assaulting his pregnant partner during an argument. The man allegedly kicked and punched her stomach and hip and confiscated her cell phone.

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Upon opening an investigation, officers also found out that the man had thrown a saucepan of boiling milk in her face a day earlier and that, two weeks ago, he hit her on the head with a plate.

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In addition, the man has previously threatened his wife with a knife, stolen her money, and taken away her mobile phone, breaking it. Given their findings, the agents requested the presence of health services who, after assessing the victim's condition, transferred her to a Valencia hospital, where she has been hospitalized for two days.

They then went to search the couple's home, where they found the owner of the house, who lived with them and allowed them to enter. There, they found the suspect lying on a bed and a kitchen knife in a jar on top of a shelf, which he allegedly used to threaten his wife.

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When collecting his belongings, the victim gave the police two kitchen knives, with which he had apparently threatened her, as well as two mobile phones that he had broken.

The detainee, who already had a criminal record, was taken to court and sent to prison. The defendant is facing charges for domestic abuse, both physical and psychological, injuries, and threats.

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This is just one of many cases of violence against women, and it cannot go unpunished. The society in which we live cannot allow the future of women and their children to be determined by their abusers. We look forward to seeing justice being served!

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