Consumers face serious shortage of these vegetables very soon

Consumers face serious shortage of these vegetables very soon
© Aliaksandra Ivanova / EyeEm
Consumers face serious shortage of these vegetables very soon
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Consumers should brace themselves for shortages in vegetable supply due to this distressing reason.

This year has very difficult for both consumers and businesses. With soaring cost of living, people have been left choosing between heating or food.

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The situation is equally bad when we consider the plight of farmers in the UK. As reported by Daily Mail,with vegetable growers having to contend with rising energy prices while not having enough workers, many of them have been unable to produce as per their usual capacity. This could have a serious impact on vegetable supply in the UK within months.

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UK farmers famers are facing rising energy prices while not having enough labours Carina König / EyeEm

Staple vegetables to be in short supply

As per the report, farmers have warned that vegetable including cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes could soon be in short supply. This could leave many retailers counting on imports to fill the supply gap, while leaving behind British growers reeling from massive losses.

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Promar International published a data earlier this month which stated that UK growers' production costs has increased by as much as 27 % in the past year. The worst affected production was for broccoli, apples and root vegetables. The main reason for this increase was the head-spinning rise in the cost of fertiliser, as well as labour costs.

Vegetables including cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes could soon be in short supply Monty Rakusen
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Need for government action

The report quoted Martin Emmett of the National Farmers' Union who pointed out the gravity of the situation and the tenuous position of farmers in the current economy. He says,

The viability of producing fruit and vegetables is under the greatest strain I’ve ever seen.
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A continued lack of a reliable workforce, both in permanent and seasonal roles, combined with sharply rising input costs, particularly for energy, has put many businesses on a knife edge.
Producers of high energy crops in particular, such as top fruit, root vegetables and crops grown under glasshouses, have severe doubts about their business viability.
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He also warned that if the current situation continues, many producers would have no option but to stop. He points to the need for government action and suggests lifting the cap on seasonal workers scheme to fix labour supply issues.

Sources used:

Daily Mail: ‘Salad days are over: Supermarkets face shortage of cucumbers, peppers aubergines and tomatoes within MONTHS because British growers are being paid too little to produce them, farmers warn’

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