Brigitte Macron: How much the French First Lady cost the taxpayer in 2022 revealed

The astronomical cost of Brigitte Macron to the Elysée budget has Internet users in an uproar
© Christian Liewig / Getty Images
The astronomical cost of Brigitte Macron to the Elysée budget has Internet users in an uproar
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This Tuesday, July 18, a report by the French Cour des Comptes revealed that Brigitte Macron's budget increased slightly in 2022.

The Elysée must already be preparing for a new wave of hatred on social media. On Tuesday, July 18, a report by the French Cour des Comptes revealed how much money Brigitte Macron cost the Elysée in 2022. A rising sum that has not failed to provoke a reaction from a good number of Internet users on social media.

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An astronomical sum

According to BFMTV, the Cour des Comptes report on the services of the presidency reveals the cost of Brigitte Macron's 'own activities' at the Elysée in 2022. In other words, it only takes into account her four collaborators, who cost the French presidency €315,808.

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This figure has risen slightly since last year, as the French First Lady's costs were up to €292,454 in 2021. The Cour des Comptes also points out that this sum does not include the First Lady's common travel expenses, her hairdresser and make-up artist during official events, or even her security.

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French people are angry

While Brigitte Macron's outfits are often the talk of the town, since she mainly wears Louis Vuitton, it was revealed in the report that her dressing room doesn't cost the Elysée any money, as the outfits are loaned by the fashion houses during official representations.

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In the wake of this report, many Internet users were quick to express their indignation on Twitter.

Lol wait that's almost 1/3 of what a minimum wage earner earns working all his life.
315 808€ budget calculated. And to think that three quarters of the population will never earn such a sum in their entire lives. We're delighted. Living off the taxpayer is a really good plan.
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French President Emmanuel Macron has had to deal with several strikes throughout his presidency, and French people are demanding livable wages, which made the news of Brigitte Macron's costs to the taxpayer stand out, and explains why it was so poorly received.

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This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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