According To A New Study, Eating Fish Could Make You Less Aggressive

According To A New Study, Eating Fish Could Make You Less Aggressive
According To A New Study, Eating Fish Could Make You Less Aggressive
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Omega 3, an essential part of our diet, could reduce aggression, according to a recent study.

A balanced diet is essential for our health. What you eat affects your fitness, your sleep, but also your mood. It is therefore very important not to have any elements missing from your diet. Omega 3s are no exception to this rule and they could even reduce aggression, according to a recent French study.

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A proven decline in aggression

The study, conducted by a French researcher, was published in the journal Psychiatry Research. For the study, two groups of women and men were analysed. The first were given a supplement rich in omega 3, while the second were given a placebo.

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After 6 weeks, the result was clear: the researchers noted 'a decrease in the aggressiveness of people who benefited from the omega 3.'

Omega 3, essential to brain function

Omega 3s play a key role in the link between nerve cells in the brain. This explains their strong influence on our moods.

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The good news? It is very simple to make sure your diet is rich in omega 3. Whilst you can easily get it in the form of supplements you can also increase your inake of omega 3 by eating fish, rapeseed oil, nuts and almonds.

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