While the Humans Are Away, This Cat Helps Her Puppy Pal Feel Loved

dog and cat
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dog and cat
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This video of a cat cuddling an anxious pup will make your heart melt! They may be an odd couple, but they make for the best of friends—it’s definitely worth a watch.

Who knew a dog and a catcould be the best of friends? It may be an odd pairing, especially when you consider how society tends to pit dogs against cats, but the recent video released by The Dodo will change your mind.

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The video shows the dog and cat interacting with one another throughout the week! Throughout the sequence, the dog appears to be super nervous, but the cat does its best to comfort the poor pup.

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Several people took to YouTube to comment on the adorable clip. One wrote:

Dog: I FEEL ANXIETY. Cat: Don’t worry friend. I’ll lay on you!! Human: I feel sad. Cat: Don’t worry friend. I’ll lay on you!

Some had a more cynical approach to the video:

When human-heater is not available, cats [go] to Dog-Heater.
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While others enjoyed watching the cat-dog interaction:

Adorable! [Whenever] I am feeling down, videos like these always put me in a much better mood.

Is the cat using thedogas a heater, or does it truly want to comfort the anxious pup? Take a look at our video above and judge for yourself!

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