Public Outrage After Tourists Cause Death Of Baby Dolphin With Selfies

Public Outrage After Tourists Cause Death Of Baby Dolphin With Selfies
Public Outrage After Tourists Cause Death Of Baby Dolphin With Selfies
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Taking a good selfie with a cute baby animal could cause a lot of problems in today's world. Is this worth an animal life?

Footage has emerged from a beach in Argentina where tourists found a washed-up baby dolphin. Instead of helping the little creature back into the sea, the tourists are gathered around trying to touch and take photos with it.

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Although the dolphin may have been sick already, the stress of being removed from the water and of being surrounded by people could well have contributed to its death. 'They let him die. They could have returned him to the ocean, he was breathing, but everyone started taking photos and touching him, saying he was already dead,' a witness told C5N News.

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A serious problem - and not the first time

Sadly, this is not the first time one of these beautiful animals has died in Argentina as the result of tourists seeking a selfie. Just last year, tourists yanked two dolphins out of the water in order to take pictures with them and one of them died as a result. According to an expert, dolphins 'cannot remain long above water. They have very thick and greasy skin that provides warmth, so the weather will quickly cause dehydration and death.'

Let's hope people pay attention to these sad reports and leave these sweet and majestic creatures in the sea where they belong next time!

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